RNA Pseudotorsion Plots for PDB entry 1ttt

185 C3'-endo RNA residues with 2 outliers ( 1.08 % ) from Eta-Theta plot

34 C2'-endo RNA residues with 5 outliers ( 14.71 % ) from Eta-Theta plot

185 C3'-endo RNA residues with 2 outliers ( 1.08 % ) from Eta'-Theta' plot

34 C2'-endo RNA residues with 5 outliers ( 14.71 % ) from Eta'-Theta' plot

185 C3'-endo RNA residues with 0 outliers ( 0.0 % ) from Eta"-Theta" plot

34 C2'-endo RNA residues with 3 outliers ( 8.82 % ) from Eta"-Theta" plot

List of Outliers

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Model Number Chain Residue Type Residue Identifier Eta Theta Eta' Theta' Eta'' Theta'' Sugar Pucker Suiteness
1 D U 47 293.5 323.7 322.7 331.6 --- --- C3'endo 0.0
1 F U 47 265.8 337.2 290.5 359.9 --- --- C3'endo 0.0
1 D G 18 306.3 211.5 340.9 208.6 34.4 235.9 C2'endo 0.127
1 E G 18 307.5 195.7 --- --- --- --- C2'endo 0.0
1 F G 18 283.4 216.8 --- --- --- --- C2'endo 0.0
1 F 7MG 46 219.3 343.2 --- --- --- --- C2'endo 0.0
1 D C 48 --- --- 300.7 22.8 --- --- C2'endo 0.0
1 E C 48 --- --- 290.6 23.9 --- --- C2'endo 0.0
1 F H2U 17 --- --- 320.6 339.8 27.4 227.6 C2'endo 0.0
1 F C 48 --- --- 280.7 22.2 --- --- C2'endo 0.01
1 E H2U 17 224.0 26.0 --- --- 346.2 246.3 C2'endo 0.0