RNA Pseudotorsion Plots for PDB entry 2qwy

128 C3'-endo RNA residues with 2 outliers ( 1.56 % ) from Eta-Theta plot

15 C2'-endo RNA residues with 3 outliers ( 20.0 % ) from Eta-Theta plot

128 C3'-endo RNA residues with 6 outliers ( 4.69 % ) from Eta'-Theta' plot

15 C2'-endo RNA residues with 0 outliers ( 0.0 % ) from Eta'-Theta' plot

128 C3'-endo RNA residues with 4 outliers ( 3.12 % ) from Eta"-Theta" plot

15 C2'-endo RNA residues with 0 outliers ( 0.0 % ) from Eta"-Theta" plot

List of Outliers

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Model Number Chain Residue Type Residue Identifier Eta Theta Eta' Theta' Eta'' Theta'' Sugar Pucker Suiteness
1 B A 14 282.5 136.6 350.0 141.9 --- --- C3'endo 0.0
1 C U 34 19.6 296.8 31.1 291.4 --- --- C3'endo 0.26
1 A G 32 --- --- 134.3 51.3 105.2 40.3 C3'endo 0.0
1 B G 32 --- --- 131.9 47.3 115.8 37.8 C3'endo 0.0
1 C A 14 --- --- 327.2 154.6 --- --- C3'endo 0.0
1 C G 32 --- --- 142.7 41.8 119.5 46.3 C3'endo 0.12
1 C G 39 --- --- --- --- 295.2 112.4 C3'endo 0.013
1 A U 31 298.8 143.7 --- --- --- --- C2'endo 0.0
1 B U 31 306.7 131.5 --- --- --- --- C2'endo 0.189
1 C U 31 322.7 125.7 --- --- --- --- C2'endo 0.0